CAPS is one of the only plastic surgery practices with a board-certified dermatologist on staff to treat clinical conditions and offer patients the most comprehensive skin care and treatment.

Jaclyn Wetli, MD, FAAD Meet Our Dermatologist
“My goal is to ensure our patients’ skin is healthy throughout all stages of their lives,” says CAPS doctor for dermatology, Jaclyn Wetli, MD, FAAD. “At CAPS, we work alongside our patients from the very start of their skin care journeys. From diagnosis to medical and surgical management to cosmetic procedures, we can address any and all of our patients’ needs from the moment they walk in the door.”
healthy skin journey Welcome to your
Wondering what to expect at your first dermatology appointment? When you visit CAPS, you'll sit down with our board-certified, Columbus dermatologist, Dr. Jaclyn Wetli, to discuss your specific concerns. She will perform a thorough evaluation to diagnose skin conditions that may require further attention. From there, we’ll develop a tailored plan to address your skin health needs.
We treat every clinical skin condition
We are proud to see patients of all ages in Columbus, Ohio, and surrounding areas. Our dermatologist is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of all skin conditions including:
Most patients develop acne as a teenager; however, acne can persist or manifest for the first time as an adult. It is thought that genetic and hormonal factors may contribute to acne in adulthood. The best acne prevention or treatment, is to talk to a dermatologist about prescription treatments and find which is best for you and your skin. Adult acne treatments can include oral medication and prescription creams or gels.
Acne is a very common skin condition that affects teenagers. Acne is caused by multiple factors including an increase in sebum (oil) production from hormones, and clogged pores due to bacteria or dead skin cells, which then may cause an inflammatory response. Acne lesions may vary in appearance. This includes whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Severe acne may cause scarring. Mild acne may be treated with over the counter products while severe acne typically requires a dermatologist's expertise. Acne treatments may include topical and oral medications.
Actinic keratoses (AK) are precancerous skin lesions that are commonly located on sun exposed areas including the face, scalp, chest, arms, and shins. Risk factors for developing actinic keratoses include older age, fair skin phenotypes, and high cumulative sun exposure. Patients with actinic keratoses may be at an increased risk for developing skin cancer.
Alopecia is a general term for hair loss. There are numerous reasons why patients may have hair loss, which may be temporary or permanent. Some causes include natural aging, traumatic stress, a medication side effect, or a manifestation of a health disorder.
Athlete's foot, is also known as tinea pedis. This is a common fungal infection involving the skin between the toes and feet that occurs in men and women of all ages. It's caused by warm and moist socks or shoes where the fungi thrives and causes symptoms of redness, rashes, itching and burning. Treatments include topical medications and prescription medications. Tinea pedis is contagious and likely contracted from the use of communal pools or gym locker rooms. Factors that may predispose to tinea pedis include increase sweating of feet and wearing occlusive or poor fitting shoes. Treatment usually includes a topical prescription medication.
Blisters, also called vesicles or bullae, are raised portions of the skin filled with fluids. They typically occur from friction or burns and resolve on their own. Sometimes blisters may appear due to cold sores, herpes, contact dermatitis, or dyshidrotic eczema, etc. Other skin conditions that cause blisters include, but are not limited to, bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris, and dermatitis herpetiformis. Patients who have recurrent and non-healing blisters should see a dermatologist for evaluation and treatment.
Contact Dermatitis is a red, itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to a substance. Typical substances that cause this reaction include jewelry, cosmetics, fragrances, and poison ivy. Although they typically go away within a few weeks, creams and medications can help reduce irritation.
A cyst is a common abnormality that appears as a fluid filled lump under the skin.There are numerous types of cysts, and they can occur anywhere on the body including the scalp, face, trunk, and extremities. Cysts are usually asymptomatic, but can become painful, inflamed, and infected. For patients who desire cyst removal, they can be excised surgically.
Eczema is a condition where patches of skin becomes dry, itchy, scaly, and inflamed. This is common in babies and young children, and typically improves with age. However, eczema can be a chronic skin condition and the goal for treatment is to prevent and reduce the frequency and severity of flares.
Primary hyperhidrosis is a condition of excessive sweating that usually begins in childhood that commonly affects the hands, armpits, and feet. Treatment options depend on the severity, and may include topical or oral prescriptions, Botox, or MiraDry. Our dermatologist will help determine the right treatment for you.
Hyperpigmentation is a condition of darkened patches or spots on the skin typically caused by the sun, hormones, aging, or medication.
Melasma is a skin condition characterized by darker or hyperpigmented patches that usually occur on the face. Melasma commonly affects women and onset is usually during reproductive years. Melasma is thought to be related to genetics, sun exposure, and hormones (oral contraceptive pills and pregnancy). Melasma is a benign condition but can cause significant distress for patients. Although treatment may be difficult, there are several options available. Sun avoidance and protection are crucial in prevention and treatment.
Moles, which are also called melanocytic nevi, are common skin growths that are typically brown or flesh color, and may be flat or raised. Moles that change in size, color, shape, and appearance should be evaluated by a dermatologist. It is recommended that patients with a family history of atypical moles or melanoma have frequent skin examinations. Some patients may desire mole removal for cosmetic purposes or due to frequent irritation. Moles may be removed to improve appearance and increase self-confidence. After a dermatologist determines that a mole is benign, mole removal is a simple procedure that aims to reduce the appearance of a scar.
Molluscum Contagiosum is a viral skin infection that appears as small, round, firm and painless bumps. This is mostly seen in children, and can spread through direct contact with an infected person or object. These lesions typically go away on their own. Although no treatment is necessary for Molluscum Contagiosum, treatment options include topical medications, cryotherapy, or curettage to physicially remove the bumps.
Nail fungus is a common condition involving the fingernails or toenails. Nails usually become thickened and discolored. There are numerous topical and oral medications available.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that causes red, scaly patches found most commonly on the knees, elbows and scalp. Although psoriasis is a long-term disease with no cure, there are treatments available to help manage symptoms.
Rosacea is a condition that causes facial redness, visible blood vessels and sometimes pimples on the face. It most commonly affects middle-aged women with fair skin. Our dermatologist will determine what treatment may be best for you.
Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common skin disorder found in children and adults that's often referred to as dandruff. It's characterized by red, flaky or scaly patches of skin that occur on areas of the body with a lot of oil-producing glands, such as the scalp, eyebrows, ears, or chest.
Seborrheic Keratosis is a common type of skin growth that is non-cancerous. They are usually tan, brown spots that have a waxy appearance, and can be slightly raised. They typically appear on the head, neck, chest or back and people tend to get more of them as they get older. Seborrheic keratosis treatment may be needed if they become inflamed or irritated, or for cosmesis.
Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash that can occur anywhere on the body. It most commonly appears on the side of your torso. Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox, and this virus lays dominant within the dorsal root ganglion of nerves. Shingles appears as a reactivation of this virus and may be triggered by emotional or physical stress, immunosuppression, fever, or trauma.
The most common skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma followed by squamous cell carcinoma. These are usually located on chronically sun exposed sites like the scalp, face, upper chest, and arms. Risk factors for developing a skin cancer include high cumulative amount of sun exposure, history of sun burns, fair skin, older age, immunosuppression, and family history of skin cancer. Skin cancers typically present as a new, non-healing, bleeding lesion. If you concerned about a skin lesion, please see a dermatologist for evaluation.
Another skin cancer is melanoma. Melanoma is an aggressive and potentially life-threatening skin cancer. Early detection of all skin cancers is key, especially with melanoma. It is recommended to have any new, changing, or symptomatic moles be evaluated by a dermatologist. The treatment of the skin cancer depends on the skin cancer type, severity, and location.
A skin cancer screening is a visual exam of the skin that checks for moles, birthmarks or other skin markings that are unusual in color, size, shape or texture, all of which could be signs of skin cancer.
There are many ways to treat skin cancer depending on the cancer type, severity, and location. Treatment modalities include topical medications, skin excision, electrodesiccation and curettage (ED&C), or Mohs Micrographic surgery. Consult with your dermatologist to determine what treatment may be best for you.
A rash is a general term for an irritation that affects the skin. A rash may appear as red, bumpy, scaly or itchy patches of skin. Sometimes rashes can develop blisters or welts. Rashes are manifestations for numerous skin and systemic conditions. Talk to your dermatologist to have it properly diagnosed and treated.
Skin tags (also called acrochordon), are a common skin growth of soft hanging skin often found on the neck, upper chest, armpits, and eyelids. Although skin tags don't require treatment, they may become irritated from clothing or become bothersome to patients. Skin tag removal is a quick treatment where the skin tag area is numbed and removed.
Tinea Versicolor is a common, non-contagious fungal infection that causes small discolored patches of skin. It occurs most commonly in teens and young adults during hot, humid temperatures
Urticaria, also known as hives, is a sudden outbreak of very itchy, pale red bumps or welts on the skin. They usually appear suddenly, and disappear on their own within a few weeks. There are numerous triggers including infections, bug bites, food, medicine or stress.
Vitiligo is a disease that refers to the development of white patches on your skin. This occurs when pigment-producing cells stop functioning or are destroyed by the immune system. While vitiligo can affect any part of the body, it typically favors areas of high friction or trauma like the face, hands, ankles, groin, and axillae.
A wart is a small skin growth caused by the human papillomavirus. They can spread to different areas of your body as well as from person to person. Common warts, plantar warts, flat warts, and genital warts are the most common varieties. Most warts can be treated with topical medication or cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen).
Xerosis is the medical term for dry skin. The skin can be itchy and scaly. Xerosis is typically more common in older adults, but it can affect all ages. Xerosis is associated with numerous environmental factors, medications, and/or disease states.
Frequently Asked Questions
A skin cancer screening is a quick visual exam of the skin performed by a dermatologist to check for melanoma and other skin cancers. The screening checks moles, birthmarks, and other skin markings that are unusual in color, shape, size, or texture. Screenings can help detect skin cancer in its early stages when it’s easiest to treat.
Yes! CAPS accepts most major insurance plans for dermatology visits and services. We do not currently accept HMOs, Medicaid, or OSU insurance. Please consult your insurance company for additional information on coverage.
You should meet with a dermatologist at least once a year for a skin examination to ensure your skin is healthy and free of cancer or other health concerns. If you have had skin cancer in the past or are dealing with suspicious growths, acne, or skin abnormalities, you should see a dermatologist on a regular basis or as soon as an issue arises.
Yes! At CAPS, we treat patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Your skin’s health is our top priority, and we are dedicated to treating it through all stages of life.
No referral is necessary for an appointment. You can simply schedule an appointment with our dermatologist.
Moles are very common and most are usually harmless, but if you’ve recently developed a new mole or have noticed changes to a previously existing mole, you should meet with a dermatologist for a skin cancer screening right away. Don’t wait until your yearly appointment to get it checked – early detection and treatment of cancerous moles can significantly improve the long-term outcome.
Adult acne is a common condition that can occur for a variety of reasons. Since everyone’s skin is unique, it’s best to meet with a dermatologist who can come up with a personalized treatment plan to help prevent, manage, and eliminate breakouts.
We recommend not wearing makeup to your dermatology appointment or using heavy amounts of moisturizer beforehand. It's much easier for the dermatologist to evaluate your skin when it's clean and uncovered!
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